Ti89 solve second order differetial equation
Ti89 solve second order differetial equation

ti89 solve second order differetial equation

The data import wizard results in some difficulties. Removing the units from the coefficients (using my earlier sheet) results in it working. MC11 doesn't care about those units (only the units for values it has to deal with), but SUC apparently does care. I don't know if it is just an input table that did not convert to MC11 properly, or whether you used something else, but I had to disable that component to be able to evaluate the equations. The component you used does not work here. The is a problem, on my system, with your passing ship data. I prefer the latter, as you have no easy way to know what a suitable step size is, nor, in general, when it is too large (systems are not always so accommodating as to overflow with a too large step size, usually they just produce wrong results). You can either increase the number of points (thus reducing the step size) or change the options to use Rkadapt. rkfixed, with the default (from ODESolve) step size, results in overflows. There is a numeric problem with the system. And don't talk to me about the silliness of a program that prides itself on having good unit handling choosing not to support units in differential equations. Any of the values used by ODESolve itself (such as the values of the independent variable and the unkown functions) must be dimensionless.

ti89 solve second order differetial equation

t is a bound variable in the solve block, not a free variable. Therefor you assign the result to a simple name, not a function definition. I think you should recheck your differential equation along with the parameter values.First off, ODESolve returns a function, not an expression. Which is far from close to the data you provided. Now to see whether the Mathematica agree with the so-called experimental value you stated, CEData = (Evaluate /.

ti89 solve second order differetial equation

This issue was also addressed by Feyre in his comments and suggested to use NDSolveValue.

ti89 solve second order differetial equation

But it seems, you are still unable to do it.Īnd I suspect this problem arise when you were trying to plot x' from NDSolve. In response to your first question, Feyre has explained in great detail the procedure to get whatever you wanted.

Ti89 solve second order differetial equation